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Christian Music

 Christianity has its own music that reinforces the teachings of the Christian Bible.  From the old gospel hymns that were written centuries ago, to the more modern Christian contemporary music that includes praise songs and choruses that are often sung as part of a church's worship service.  Christian music is very uplifting and comforting to those who are a part of the Christian religion.  The songs target the emotions of its listeners, drawing them deeper into the total religious experience.  In all reality, you're singing songs about things that don't even exist like God, Jesus, and Heaven.  Things that are just part of the fantasy known as the Christian religion that you have been indoctrinated into!

Watch the videos below to learn more about Christian music!

Church Services Are Designed  To Influence You

TTA Podcast 213 Christian Music - Behind The Curtain

Former Christian Music Singer Jon Steingard:  I Know Longer Believe In God

Lead Singer of Christian Rock Band Leaves Christianity!

This Is How Church Music Manipulates You

Exposing Christian Contemporary Music

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