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What Is Christianity ?

Christianity is a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament of the Christian Holy Bible and based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.  Also referred to as Jesus Christ, he is believed by Christians to be the human son of the Christian God that lives up in Heaven.  Christians believe that Jesus was born of a virgin mother that was impregnated by their God's holy spirit.  Jesus had a Christian ministry on earth until he was arrested and crucified on a Roman cross.  Christians believe that after three days, Jesus rose from the grave and now lives at the right hand of God in Heaven. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross in order to take away all of the sins from those that believe in him and his teachings.  It is believed that all those that believe in Jesus will not perish in an eternal place of damnation known as Hell, but live in Heaven with God and Jesus for all of eternity.  Many scholars and biblical historians believe there is no Christian God.  Jesus, if he existed at all, was just another messianic prophet or teacher that lived in the Judea area at that time in history.  He certainly was not the divine son of a god!  The only evidence of his existence is in the writings of the so-called Holy Bible which Christians believe is the inspired word of their Christian God.  In reality, the books are just the writings of men and Christianity is just one of many religions throughout the world that  children have been indoctrinated into by their parents and other adults that they trust.

Watch the videos below to learn more about Christianity!

Christianity - God and The Scientists

Cognitive Dissonance Explains Christianity - Matthew Hartke

The Pagan Origins of Christianity

Religion Debunked - Christianity: The Greatest Story Ever Sold

Sam Harris Demolishes Christianity

How Did Christianity Really Start?

Emperor Constantine:  Is Western Christianity Based On A Lie?

Ray Hagins - What Is Christianity?

Disproving Christianity :  Jesus Is A Lie!

Seth Andrews: Christianity Made Me Talk Like An Idiot!

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