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Leaving Your Church Family

         Leaving your church can be a very difficult thing to do especially if you've been going to the same church for a long time.  I imagine you've gotten to be pretty close friends with some of the church members, especially other people around your age.  You've no doubt called them your Christian brothers and sisters.  You've maybe become closer to your church family than you are to your biological family.  They have become a huge part of your life.  In a smaller church, you tend to become actively involved in several different ministries in the church.  One of the hardest things about leaving the church is the thought of losing all your church friends and that no one will speak to you again.  They probably won't associate with you because you're not one of them anymore.  You become like an outcast!  If they do speak to you in public, it would be to say how they miss you at church, and hope to see you back soon.  It's unfortunate that you can't just be fellow human being and still remain friends.  What if your wife and maybe your children are still attending the same church?  It makes for a very difficult situation and not a very easy thing to deal with.

Watch the videos below to learn more about leaving your church!

Is Faith A Horrible Way To Arrive At Truth?

Dan Barker: Preacher To Atheist

My Public Confession -  I'm An Atheist       Derek Lambert

Examining The Decline In Church

Seth Andrews: From Religion to Reason

Living After Faith - Seth Andrews

The Deconversion of Seth Andrews

Why Christian Responses To Deconstruction Are So Predictable

Why Are Preachers leaving The Ministry?

Jerry DeWitt On His Transition From Pastor to Atheist!

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