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Noah's Ark

One of the best known stories in the Bible is the story of Noah's Ark.  The story tells of a righteous man that is told by God to build an ark and put two of every kind of animal, male and female, in this big ark because God is going to cause a worldwide flood to punish and kill all the humans for their sinful way of living and their rejection of God.  Is there any truth to this story or is all just a Bible story that has been passed down from generation to generation.  There was once a claim that the ark had been found, but the claim was proven by science to not be the ark at all.  Ask yourself, does this Bible story sound like something that could have actually happened?  Do you think it could have really rained for forty days and forty nights?

Could the earth really have repopulated from Noah's family alone?

Watch the videos below to learn more about Noah's Ark!

Noah's Ark: The Story That Disproves The Entire Bible

Here's What Nobody Told You About Noah's Ark

39 Problems With The Noah's Ark Story

Is There Any Truth To Flood Myths?

The Flood Myth - Dr. John Hamer

Genesis 1 -11 Creation & Flood Taken From Mesopotamian Myths

How Zoology Disproves Noah's Flood

How Archaeology Disproved Noah's Flood

The Unbelievable Story of Earth's Most Epic Flood!

How Big Would Noah's Ark Actually Need To Be?

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